Paratheria (mammals)

Paratheria is an obsolete term used for a group that included at least the xenarthran mammals. It was proposed by Oldfield Thomas in 1887 to set apart the sloths, anteaters, armadillos, and pangolins, usually classified as placentals, from both marsupial and placental mammals, an arrangement that received little support from other workers. When Gondwanatheria were first discovered in Argentina the 1980s, they were thought to be related to xenarthrans, leading to renewed attention to the hypothesis that xenarthrans are not placentals. However, by the early 1990s, gondwanatheres were shown to be unrelated to xenarthrans, and xenarthrans are still considered placentals.

The term was coined by British mammalogist Oldfield Thomas in 1887 in a review of tooth development in mammals. He found that the "Edentata"—a group in which he included the anteaters, armadillos, and sloths that are still included in Xenarthra as well as the pangolins and the aardvark—were especially distinctive. He derived edentate teeth from the first stage in his model of mammalian dental evolution, and consequently suggested that they should be given a grouping separate from the other major groupings of mammals, for which terms had been introduced by Thomas Huxley: Eutheria (placentals) and Metatheria (marsupials). For this grouping, he suggested the name Paratheria "to indicate their position by the side of, but separate from, the other Mammals" (the Greek παρά para means "beside").[1] Thomas was unable, however, to provide a satisfactory scenario for the origin of the aardvark's wholly unique dentition, which he could only compare with the teeth of a fish.[1] Thomas's arrangement was foreshadowed by Henri Marie Ducrotay de Blainville's 1839 classification; he placed edentates (except the sloth Bradypus, which he considered to be a primate) as a major division, the Maldentés ("poorly toothed"), distinct from the other monodelphes (placentals), the Bien dentés ("well-toothed").[2]

Thomas's hypothesis received little support, or even attention, in subsequent years. In 1893, Henry Fairfield Osborn remarked that new studies of edentate teeth indicated that they were not as distinct as Thomas thought.[3] William Berryman Scott did, however, place Paratheria as a separate subclass in 1904,[4] although he apparently did not follow Thomas's theories about the origins of edentate teeth.[5] In 1910, William King Gregory reviewed the interrelationships of mammals and placed edentates among other placentals,[6] though he gave "Paratheria" as an alternative name for his superorder Edentata, which included Xenarthra and tentatively Pholidota (pangolins), Tubulidentata (aardvarks), and the fossil Taeniodonta.[7] In 1976, Eli Minkoff also used "Paratheria" for a placental superorder that included Edentata (i.e., Xenarthra) and Pholidota.[8]

The Paratheria hypothesis enjoyed a brief renaissance when unusual, high-crowned teeth began turning up in the Cretaceous and Paleocene fossil record of Argentina.[9] In 1984, Sudamerica ameghinoi, from the Paleocene of Argentina, was assigned to Xenarthra within a cohort Paratheria,[10] Two years later, José Bonaparte named Gondwanatherium patagonicum from the Late Cretaceous of Argentina, which he thought to be related to Sudamerica, and tentatively assigned it to the infraclass Paratheria.[11] Bonaparte described an additional related animal, Vucetichia gracilis, from the Argentinean Late Cretaceous in 1990; by then he classified it in an order Gondwanatheria tentatively assigned to the infraclass Paratheria.[12] Bonaparte argued against George Gaylord Simpson's 1931 view that xenarthrans derive from the Tertiary Palaeanodonta of North America, and instead suggested that xenarthrans, and perhaps pangolins, split from eutherians as early as the Early Cretaceous and derived from some early "pantothere" mammal.[13]

However, Bonaparte himself had abandoned the proposed relationship between xenarthrans and gondwanatherians by 1993.[14] Instead, gondwanatherians were shown to be related to another Late Cretaceous Argentinean animal, Ferugliotherium (which turned out to be undistinguishable from Vucetichia), and through it to multituberculates.[14] The relation between multituberculates and gondwanatheres later became controversial, but they are no longer thought to be related to xenarthrans.[15] By 1996, "few if any systematists would ... doubt the eutherian affinities of xenarthrans"[9] and molecular data have also supported the placements of Xenarthra within placentals as one of four major clades.[16]


  1. ^ a b Thomas 1887, p. 459.
  2. ^ Gregory 1910, p. 333.
  3. ^ Osborn 1893, p. 500.
  4. ^ Scott 1904, p. 3.
  5. ^ Matthew & Granger 1918, p. 646.
  6. ^ Gregory 1910, p. 342.
  7. ^ Gregory 1910, p. 466.
  8. ^ Minkoff 1976, p. 155.
  9. ^ a b Gaudin et al. 1996, p. 32.
  10. ^ Gurovich 2005, p. 236.
  11. ^ Bonaparte 1986, pp. 264, 269.
  12. ^ Bonaparte 1990, p. 77.
  13. ^ Bonaparte 1990, p. 85–86.
  14. ^ a b Krause & Bonaparte 1993, p. 9379.
  15. ^ Gurovich & Beck 2009, p. 25.
  16. ^ Hallström & Janke 2008, p. 312.

Literature cited